Opioids & Stimulants Awareness Month

September is Opioids & Stimulants Awareness Month in the Florida Courts … an important time for awareness building, fostering partnerships, and taking action to address issues and impacts of substance use disorders. See more in the recent Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice proclamationPDF Download.

Florida Courts Opioids & Stimulants Use Disorder Awareness Month Promotional Flyer

Issues & Needs

Courts across the country have been heavily impacted by the opioid and stimulant epidemics. Misuse and illicit uses of opioids and stimulants exact a severe toll on the lives of millions as well. Impacts range from the human suffering associated with drug addiction, physical and mental impairments, overdoses, and death. Family disruption, job losses, increased crime, and taxpayer expense to address these and related problems in the justice, social services, and health care systems are among other serious effects. Drug overdose deaths in the U.S. soared almost 30% in the pandemic year of 2020. Opioid dependance and addiction from prescription medications is also now a widely known problem with devastating consequences. 

Both the scale and effects of the problem have grown notably due to a combination of unfortunate forces – from new and fast-emerging drug types of increasing potency … to cheaper and easier methods of producing dangerous drugs and making them available at low cost … to the flood of drugs entering the country from foreign markets …to the lacing of drugs with more dangerous contents, unbeknownst to buyers/consumers … to the impacts of the COVID pandemic and other stressful events motivating increased drug use. The courts have an important role to play in fostering solutions, including effective treatment and recovery support for those battling addiction.

Taking Action

The opportunities for awareness raising are many. Everyone can make a difference through expanding the knowledge and skills of ourselves and others, equipping and inspiring all to contribute and implement solutions.

Consult the resources on this website and those of your designated Circuit ChampionsPDF Download, among other valuable tools and sources on the subject.

Consider what you can do to make a difference. While the magnitude of the challenge is great, so is the power of determined and collaborative action. As part thereof, plan on attending the 2023 Champions Summit for no-charge, virtual trainings by leading experts!


From 2022 Awareness Month

Opioids & Stimulants Awareness Month Informational Flyer

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Opioids & Stimulants Awareness Month Informational Flyer

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Opioids & Stimulants Awareness Month Informational Flyer

Download Flyer 3

Opioids & Stimulants Awareness Month Banner September 2022

From 2021 Awareness Month:

Acknowledgements to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the

Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) for their support of 2019 - 2022 Awareness Months.

Last Modified: August 31, 2023