

This renewal application will be considered pursuant to qualification criteria established in the Florida Rules for Certification and Regulation of Spoken Language Court Interpreters.

Please read the instructions carefully to avoid mistakes that can delay processing or result in the return of your renewal application.

如果您在填写此申请表时有任何疑问, please contact 法庭口译员认证和监管计划 (CICRP) staff at (850) 922-5107, 或电邮至 interpreters@flcourts.政府.


Interpreters must also meet the following requirements to maintain their registration and any corresponding 国家级官方指定 each biennial renewal period:

  • 所有续订材料, 包括两年一次的续订费, 已填妥并经公证的续期申请, 任何额外的文件都要提交 在译员续签日期前六(6)周 留出处理时间和继续注册和, 如果适用的话, 国家级官方指定. 根据规则14.200(g), registration and any corresponding 国家级官方指定 shall be suspended automatically upon failure to comply with all renewal and maintenance requirements under rule 14.200(c), 但经向中保局申请,可以恢复, 随附付款, 并在中止之日起60天内提出.
  • Payment of a late renewal 费 is required if the 费 or other required reporting forms are not received within the 60-day grace period following expiration of registration and any corresponding 国家级官方指定. 根据规则14.200(g), 60天宽限期届满后, registration and any corresponding 状态-level designation shall be revoked and any request for rein状态ment must be made pursuant to rule 14.450.
  • All payments and forms must be received within sixty (60) days of one’s registration expiration date to avoid loss of registration and any corresponding 国家级官方指定.
  • 完成16个CIE学分, 包括至少2个道德相关学分, 每两年合规期. (自修课程不超过4学分.)
  • 完成20项与法律相关的专业口译任务, 或者更少的作业,总时长不少于40小时, 每两年合规期.
  • 除非事先被指定为认证的、语言熟练的或临时批准的:

背景调查 ——所有 刚刚注册翻译 are required to undergo a comprehensive background check conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) before submitting an application for registration renewal. (Interpreters officially designated as certified, 语言技能, or provisionally approved are 免除 根据这个要求.)


  1. Applicants must request authorization from the 法庭口译员认证和监管计划 (CICRP) to undergo a Level 2 background check for purposes of determining initial registration and/or renewal of registration.

2. Applicants are required to go to a Livescan Service Provider of their choosing to be fingerprinted. 全州的供应商列表见: 


This list should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation of one product or business over another by the board, bg视讯官方平台, 或者佛罗里达州最高法院, 并不意味着任何评级, 排名, 或产品或企业本身的认证. 此列表仅供参考. 供应商的价格会有所不同, 申请人不妨比较卖主收费表,以获得最优惠的价格. 供参考, 除了上面链接中列出的Livescan服务提供商之外, Livescan fingerprints may also be taken at your local law enforcement agencies (Police Department or Sheriff’s Office).

  • The applicant must provide the 法庭口译员认证和监管计划’s (CICRP) 发起机构标识(ORI)号码 to the local law enforcement agency or Livescan Service Provider so that the background screening results are sent directly from FDLE to the CICRP.
  • 背景调查的费用大约是每人50到75美元, 包括FDLE费用吗, 以及Livescan提供商为执行指纹识别而收取的费用. 如前所述,成本可能因Livescan提供商而异.

3. CICRP将在3天内收到FDLE的背景调查结果.

4. Court interpreter renewal applications will not be considered complete and processed until the results of the background screening have been received by the CICRP.

5. 董事会操作程序, the applicant must submit their interpreter renewal application within three months of being fingerprinted. 如果不这样做,将导致必须重新打印指纹,并由译员承担费用.

良好的品德 -任何人不得续办登记, 或被官方指定为国家级认证, 语言技能, 或临时认可的翻译, 或者保持这种状态, 除非这个人有良好的道德品质. The primary purpose of the requirement of good moral character is to ensure protection of the participants in the judicial process and the public, 也是为了维护司法系统. 口译员应具备, 作为, 为了维护, 注册和国家级指定, good moral character required under the standards of the Code of Professional Conduct as contained in Part III of the Florida Rules for Certification and Regulation of Spoken Language Court Interpreters.

注册和国家级指定资格取消 —如果发现有记录, 在法庭翻译认证委员会的判决中, 是否与法庭传译员的工作表现及专业责任有关, 此记录可作为驳回申请的理由. The following shall apply in determining the character required for continued registration and 状态-level interpreter designation:

  • An interpreter applying for renewal of registration and/or 状态-level interpreter designation who has been convicted of a felony shall not be eligible for renewal of registration and/or designation until such person has received a restoration of civil rights.
  • An interpreter applying for renewal of registration and/or 状态-level interpreter designation who is serving a sentence of felony probation shall not be eligible for renewal of registration and/or designation until termination of the probation period and restoration of civil rights.

公证 -你的申请书及誓词表格, 如果适用的话, 必须按照适用的要求进行合法公证 佛罗里达州法规第117章.

邮件 -已填妥的续期申请, 费, 继续口译教育表格, 法律相关专业口译作业表, 如果适用的话, 翻译宣誓表格, 及其他随附文件(如有)应邮寄至:



500 S. 杜瓦街


处理 - You will be notified via e-mail or regular postal mail upon receipt of your renewal packet. 如果所有需要的材料, 费用, 所有信息将随申请表一起提交, 预计处理时间为六周.

可打印版本: 法庭传译主任登记续期申请指引PDF下载 



